In the afternoon we went to eat at one of restaurant near the Kuta beach. She went there not to see the amazing landscape but to see the signature arts and crafts of the town. Membahas recount text pasti tidak akan jauh jauh bercerita pengalaman. We had to checked it because of safety. We arrived at Bali at night, and then we checked in at a hotel and took a rest. My holiday starts too early, even my friends still busy with their semester reports. Selain menyabarkan, berwisata satwa di Taman Burung Bali kembali dapat memberikan edukasi akan berjenis-jenis spesies burung di Indonesia alias bumi. There was also a bird nursery not far from the entrance gate. Contoh Recount Text 1 My Holiday in Bali When I was 3nd grade of senior high school my friends and I went to Bali. We went there by car. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. There also stand a place where the Baliness pray that called Pura. Disana, saya dan kakak saya berenang di pantai, kedua orangtua saya hanya berada dipinggir pantai untuk berjemur. They were turtles, snakes, and sea birds. Pada hari keladak, waktunya untuk berbelanja. Aku melewatkan hal-hal menyengangkan tersebut dan lebih memilih untuk pergi ke sebuah pulau kecil yang memiliki banyak hewan melata di sana, seperti ular, kura-kura, dll. There were a lot of birds and they were not afraid of human at all so we could touch them. My last holiday was a five-day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. Selamat menyimak! Di sore hari, kami pergi ke restoran terdekat di Pantai Kuta untuk memuaskan rasa lapar kami. Holiday in Bali. When I was in the second grade of senior high school, my friends and I had a vacation in Bali. Selain karena terbebas dari tugas, momen liburan juga lebih berkesan karena di isi dengan kegiatan traveling ke berbagai tempat wisata, salah satunya Bali. My family and I took a lot of pictures there. We went there by plane at the morning. I skipped those fun stuff and preferred to go to a little island which had a lot of reptiles in there, such as snakes, turtles, etc. Kami pergi ke sana menggunakan mobil dan ini memerlukan waktu kurang dari sehari saja dari Kediri. Tapi, terkadang mereka bisa jadi begitu nakal pada para pengunjung. There was also a bird nursery not far from the entrance gate. Last month, my friends and I went to Jogja. Then, we headed for the hotel to take a rest and had breakfast first before continuing our adventure. Lalu, kami menemukan medan musik itu berasal. Liburan yang lalu, saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke Bali.
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